Media Release
June 5, 2017

On world environment day today, Queensland can legitimately claim to being home to the greenest taxi fleet in the world.

Hybrid vehicles now make up 80 per cent of taxis on Queensland roads, which is contributing to a decline in the amount of pollutants being emitted into the environment.

Taxi Council Queensland (TCQ) chief executive officer Benjamin Wash said by increasing the number of hybrid cabs, the industry is greatly reducing its carbon footprint.

“The hybrid fleet, including Prius, Camry and eco-diesel maxi cabs, is producing 80,000 tons less carbon,” he said.

“One of the big advantages of a hybrid car over a petrol-powered vehicle is that it runs cleaner and has better fuel economy, which makes it more environmentally friendly.

Mr Wash said the newer vehicles also have more legroom, making for a more comfortable ride for customers.

“Another benefit of hybrid taxis is that they offer a quieter ride, so not only are we doing the right thing by the environment, but we are also providing a better service for our customers.

“It’s just another example of how the Queensland taxi industry is the gold standard of taxi services anywhere in the world.”
