Media Release
May 25, 2017
Queensland’s peak taxi body has declared that the fight to protect small businesses and ensure customers of personalised transport are protected will be an election issue, despite yesterday’s legislation passed by State Parliament.
Taxi Council Queensland (TCQ) CEO Benjamin Wash said the State Government had yet again proven its lack of knowledge and foresight and has let down over 16,000 small business operators, millions of Queenslanders and vulnerable sectors like the disabled community.
Calling it “bad policy for Queensland”, he said that an uneven playing field in the personalised transport space is now enshrined in law.
“The Government has also turned its back on people in wheelchairs and on minimum working conditions for drivers in the personalised transport sector.”
He said the message to small business is clear; “Cut corners in order to cut costs so that consumers can save a buck at the expense of workers and the most vulnerable in the community.”
“I hope the Premier and Government are happy that they have compromised the wellbeing and safety of Queenslanders by ensuring booked hire services are under no obligation to implement any safety and service standards.
However he said despite the setback, the fight will go on, pledging to ensure that “every MP who does not support good legislation and common sense transport at the next election will have a fight on their hands”.
TCQ members have funded the council to target every seat in Queensland at the next state election.
“We will move heaven and earth to ensure that in the lead up to the election, every Queenslander knows how this government has treated small business and that no industry is safe.
“Legislation can be changed and we will fight until the right legislation is passed. Do not underestimate our resolve!”