Mark Bailey continues as Minister, ensuring wheels stay in motion with the taxi industry

Media release
November 13, 2020

On Wednesday, November 11, Queensland Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk unveiled her new-look Cabinet with a number of new faces, as well as continuance of many experienced ministers, including the Minister of Transport and Main Roads, Mark Bailey.

The Taxi Council of Queensland (TCQ) CEO, Blair Davies, says Minister Bailey’s retention of the transport and main roads portfolio is a ‘welcome’ development and means there will be no loss of momentum waiting on a new minister having to be brought up to speed on the industry’s issues.

“Minister Bailey has worked well with TCQ to deliver some really important programs in recent years,” says Mr Davies.

“The State Government’s $21 million funding program to rejuvenate an aging fleet of wheelchair accessible taxis (WATs) over four years is a good case in point. It is an initiative that means our industry will be able to continue offering accessible transport service levels that are second-to-none in Australia.

“The Minister was also a champion for the taxi industry during COVID-19 by securing the $23 million unite and recover funding package that is helping keep taxi operators, licence owners and booking companies viable as they serve their local communities. The pandemic hit taxi businesses particularly hard, but our cabs stayed on the road notwithstanding the difficulties, and we now stand ready to play our role in the rebuilding of the Queensland economy.”

Mr Davies says that there is still much work to be done with Minister Bailey to ensure the personalised transport sector operates efficiently and in the best interests of Queenslanders.

“Taxi operators are still paying way too much for their CTP insurance and especially when compared to their ride-sourcing counterparts. We look forward to working with Minister Bailey and the Treasurer, Cameron Dick, on a solution that allows taxi and ride-sourcing services to compete on a level playing field. The days of taxi operators paying thousands of dollars more than their competitors for CTP insurance have to be brought to an end,” says Mr Davies.

“It’s also essential that the Government and the sector get serious about tackling climate change issues arising from too many vehicles on our roads, and the pollution and congestion they cause. The taxi sedan fleet is almost entirely comprised of fuel efficient hybrids and we would be using the same technology for our wheelchair accessible taxis if models were available in Australia. It’s time for the Government to follow the lead of New York and start capping the number of ride-sourcing vehicles that cruise the streets empty, in the hope of connecting with a passenger. With about seven ride-sourcing vehicles for every one taxi, we have reached the point of oversupply and most certainly don’t need any more.

“TCQ’s message for Minister Bailey is a simple one, welcome back and let’s get cracking on making the personalised transport sector even more efficient and productive for Queensland communities,” says Mr Davies

