Media Release
22 June 2016

Taxi Council Queensland (TCQ) has questioned the credibility of the current review into personalised transport following public comments by taskforce chair Jim Varghese.

TCQ Chief Executive Officer Benjamin Wash said with submissions only closing a week ago, comments by Mr Varghese that there are already preferred options make the entire review process look farcical.

“The taskforce has stated that they would consider all recommendations and provide a report to the Government at the set time, which at this stage is the end of July.

“The taskforce would have received hundreds of submissions and thousands of pages, which takes time to carefully analyse and consider, so how can they even suggest preferred options at this stage, unless they have another agenda?” he asked.

Mr Wash pointed out that the review was of great importance to the state’s economy and future transportation needs, and that comments by the taskforce chair “belittled the process and implies that there may be a predetermined outcome.”

He said Mr Varghese’s comments that people could still comment online are also worrying.

“What is going on here? TCQ and other stakeholders have spent considerable money and time to maturely discuss the best outcome for Queenslanders, and we have kept within the terms of reference, but the taskforce seems to be focusing on public popularity and moving the goalposts.”

“This is an opportunity for the Queensland Government to get this right, and the taskforce needs to stop media comments, read the submissions, carefully consider what is in Queensland’s best interests and stop being influenced by social media commentary.”

The Taxi Council calls on the Queensland Premier to ask Mr Varghese to confirm that his recommendations haven’t been pre-determined and are based on properly considering all of the submissions to his Review.
