
Queensland’s peak taxi body says a review of personalised transport services in Queensland will provide the industry with the opportunity to put forward their views in a logical and rational manner, however has called on the State Government to continue to enforce existing legislation against illegal taxis while the review is in process.

Taxi Council Queensland chief executive officer Benjamin Wash said the industry has “never worried about competition”, declaring that the Queensland taxi industry is the best in the world.

However he believes the review should not be rushed. “The terms of reference of this review are extremely broad and it is therefore in the interests of Queensland that we get this right.”

“The recent Fels Inquiry in Victoria took two years and we believe this review should take at least that. It is important that the independent taskforce learn all of the facts and receive all of the information,” he said.

Mr Wash also said the State Government must continue to uphold existing laws and prosecute uber drivers for breaking the law, and has urged Transport Minister Jackie Trad to honour her own words.

“The Transport Minister was quoted in today’s media as stating – ‘Where people act outside the law, they should face the force of the law,’ and we agree, which is why we call on her to ensure illegal taxis face the force of the law.

“Our question to the minister is that as uber is acting outside the law, why are they still allowed to operate?”

He also called on the independent taskforce not to accept any submission by uber until they abide by the law and stop operating illegal taxi services.

“It is unacceptable for a government to allow a company that is in clear breach of the law to participate in a review of legislation.

“uber have a right to lobby for a change like we all do, but until that change happens they must be forced to abide by existing laws.”
