Investigative Construction Works – Albert Street, Brisbane City
Night works at Albert Street, Brisbane City
What’s happening?
Urban Utilities and Diona will soon be commencing investigative works, including potholing activities, for upcoming water main replacement in the local area.
What’s next?
From Tuesday 7 January 2025 Diona will be commencing investigative works, including potholing activities, along Albert Street, between Mary Street and Charlotte Street, Brisbane CBD.
Work Hours:
Between 7:00pm and 6:00am, Sunday to Thursday, for up to two weeks (subject to weather and site conditions). Traffic control and site crew may arrive on site from 6:00pm to prepare for works and traffic management.
What to expect:
- Night works including reversing beepers and safety lighting, crews, trucks and equipment on the footpath and road. Safety barriers will be in place to keep everyone safe, where required.
- Changed traffic conditions including lane closures will be in place. Traffic controllers will be on-site to look after the safety of road users and pedestrians.
- Noise and dust from construction and machinery. Diona will minimise these where they can.
- Restoration activities will be undertaken as works progress and disturbed areas will be restored as possible to the original condition once works are complete.
Urban Utilities and Diona appreciate your patience during these works. For further information, contact Diona on 1300 13 13 38 or