Media Release
September 5, 2016
Taxi Council Queensland (TCQ) says the claim by Transport Minister Stirling Hinchliffe that the taxi industry has been paid $4.3 million in immediate financial relief is “a total lie”, revealing that not a cent has been provided.
Furthermore, TCQ chief executive officer Benjamin Wash says the entire $100 million package is a “fairy tale” that will never be paid.
“We have email correspondence from the department telling us that not a cent will be paid until late 2017 at the earliest, and the Government may not even be in office then.
“Queenslanders will also be shocked to learn that only around 20 per cent of taxi owners will even be eligible because the compensation is not going to be paid to anyone who has their licence in a company name.
“In other words, this figure of $100 million sounds good and gives the impression that the industry is being looked after, when in fact it’s a $100 million sham.”
Mr Wash said the Government’s proposed regulations are a mess.
“Nowhere in this regulation does the Government make rideshare legal, nowhere does it bring clarity on rank and hail business – this is government mismanagement at its worst.”
He said TCQ acted in good faith throughout the review yet the minister and premier have showed “unprecedented arrogance to the industry”.
“Put simply, the minister is fabricating these figures. None of this so-called red tape reduction will save the industry a solitary cent and it’s time someone called out this government for its ineptitude and shameless mistruths.
“He must think we are stupid. Waiving fees that have already been paid is not a saving.
“The minister is lying. There is no nicer way to put this.”