Statement from Taxi Council Queensland

Media Statement
17 March 2016

Taxi Council Queensland (TCQ) welcomes the report from Queensland parliament’s Infrastructure, Planning and Natural Resources Committee calling on urgent enforcement action against illegal taxi services.

There is one law for all in this state, and for too long, illegal taxi operators have been allowed to ignore the law with no ramifications. This breakdown of the rule of law has widespread consequences and has negatively impacted thousands of law abiding small business operators across Queensland. For this lack of action, legislators should be ashamed.

However, the State Government now has another opportunity to be decisive and uphold the law and we urge them to do so immediately.

TCQ is an active participant in the current government review process and is working with all sides of parliament to achieve the right outcome. However, in the meantime the law is the law, and at the moment we have an uneven playing field, with taxis abiding by regulation while illegal operators do not, giving them an unfair business advantage.

This should not be acceptable in any jurisdiction that values the rule of law. Regulations exist for a reason and the taxi industry in Queensland is proud of our record and the service we offer millions of customers ever year. We operate around 250,000 trips every day across the state, providing the safest and most reliable form of door to door transport.

Taxi Council Queensland


Media Release
February 17, 2016

The peak body representing Queensland’s taxi industry has called for more secure and better resourced taxi ranks while vowing to do all it can to ensure the expected new lockout laws are workable and sustainable.

Taxi Council Queensland Chief Executive Officer Benjamin Wash says earlier lockout times will generate greater demand for taxi services and this is one of the many issues that require a consultative approach moving forward.

“Earlier lockout and last drinks times mean more patrons will need taxi services at the same time, so more cabs need to be on the road to effectively service peak demand.

“The challenge now for the taxi industry, governments and police is to make these precincts as safe as possible.”

Mr Wash said more secure ranks will be needed in entertainment precincts state wide to handle the increased volume.

“The incidence of violence is likely to fall if people can walk to a rank just metres from where they last exited and that means we need ranks established right outside all late night venues – the less time people are on the street, the less alcohol-fuelled violence we are likely to see.”


Media Release
27 January 2016

Taxi Council Queensland (TCQ) has called for mandatory sentencing for anyone found guilty of assaulting a person who is providing an emergency or transportation service to the public.

The call comes after a spate of attacks against paramedics in south east Queensland.

TCQ chief executive officer Benjamin Wash says his industry stands with ambulance officers and others who are dealing with the public 24/7, as taxi drivers have also been victims of violence.

“All of the talk in the world won’t change things unless courts start sending a strong message, and at this moment sentencing is far removed from community expectation,” he said.

“Whether it is a taxi driver, police officer, bus driver, paramedic, firefighter, railway employee or anyone who is carrying out their job of transporting or attending to the public, they deserve a level of protection from the law that is currently not there.”

Mr Wash said that all too often offenders get no jail time and walk away from court laughing.

“The law doesn’t need to be changed, as the penalties are already there; it just needs to be enforced.”

The Taxi Council believes that mandatory sentencing will send a strong message to offenders and a warning to others that the people engaged in these vital industries must be treated with respect.

“This is their workplace and they are faced with issues most of us will never be faced with in our workplace, so there needs to be special consideration given to their specific roles.”


Media Release
December 14, 2015

The days of a taxi driver waiting in the queue at Brisbane Airport’s Domestic Terminal only to get a fare to the International Terminal – and being disadvantaged because of the ‘luck of the draw’ – is over, thanks to an innovative new scheme successfully being implemented by Brisbane Airport Corporation (BAC).

In fact it has worked so well, the working group responsible for the initiative was recently recognised at the annual Taxi Council Queensland (TCQ) Industry Awards.

Brisbane Airport Corporation’s Adam Hazell received the prestigious industry Innovation Award at the recent ceremony in Brisbane and paid tribute to the hard work achieved by the Airport Working Group (AWG) looking in to the short fare system.

“The research between the AWG and taxi drivers who work from the airport was consultative and thorough and we know we have come up with a fairer system for cabbies who take short fare jobs within the precinct which continues to grow.”

The Brisbane Airport precinct implemented a system in which drivers who complete a short fare within a 15 minute time allowance are now allowed to return to the start of the feeder queue at the various ranks outside the terminals, meaning drivers are happier to do the fare knowing they can quickly return and not have to line up again.

The short fare system has also been upgraded to avoid drivers speeding through their jobs, with technologies like real-time distance based clocking and licence plate recognition now being used.

TCQ chief executive officer Benjamin Wash paid tribute to Mr Hazell and the Brisbane Airport team saying the new system and subsequent upgrades have had a major impact on the efficiency of airport taxi operations, dramatically decreasing complaints and improving overall customer safety and service.


Media Statement

04 December 2015

Statement from Benjamin Wash, Chief Executive Officer TCQ

Today’s court decision in Victoria that ruled uber is an illegal taxi service proves what almost every Government in Australia has been saying and exposes uber’s continued lies, deception and illegality.

The ruling also makes a mockery of this week’s submission to the Infrastructure, Planning and Natural Resources Committee in which uber proudly claimed it had never been found guilty of operating illegally in any Australian jurisdiction – that is now wrong.

​Taxi Council Queensland reaffirms its stance of welcoming competition in the industry as long as there is a level playing field. No company, even a foreign giant like uber – should be allowed to break the law because they have the money to do so.

We call on the Queensland Government to deal with uber through the legal process and begin prosecutions to send a message that all are equal under the law.

The more than 16 thousand small business owners that make up our state’s taxi industry abide by the law, pay tax and meet regulations and deserve the full protection of the legal and justice system.


Media Release

23 November 2015

Reports that NSW may legalise uber won’t affect QLD – Taxi Council

Taxi Council Queensland (TCQ) says reports of illegal taxi service uber being legalised in New South Wales should not affect any future decision by the Queensland Government, as this state’s industry is very different.

TCQ chief executive officer Benjamin Wash also said the reason given by unnamed NSW “Government sources” for the proposed move was bizarre and worrying.

The Daily Telegraph reported today that “Government sources described state regulation of uber as “inevitable”, saying the service would have continued to operate under the radar had it not been legalised”.

“This is an unbelievable precedent. Is the NSW Government seriously saying that any company wealthy enough to keep breaking the law and thumbing its nose at regulation will ‘inevitably’ become legal because the Government is too weak to uphold the law?
​“The NSW Government has willingly become a victim of corporate blackmail,” Mr Wash declared.

However he said Queensland is currently undergoing its own review and the taxi industry would be making several submissions to the recently appointed independent taskforce to explain the necessity of both a level playing field and the importance of the taxi industry to the state.

“The difference in Queensland is that we already have what we believe to be the best taxi service in the world, with high levels of performance,” he explained.

“Our 3,200 plus licences are owned by more than 2,200 individuals, and the industry in Queensland is made up of over 16,000 small business people who meet high regulatory standards and pay their taxes, supporting over 60,000 jobs.”

He said Queensland taxis deliver 24/7 service to all areas and service those with disabilities, something illegal taxis don’t do.

“Any decision in NSW is irrelevant to Queensland, and it should be pointed out that uber has never agreed to meet any government’s regulations in any part of the world, so saying they will be legalised means nothing.

“Governments must realise that when dealing with uber they are dealing with a company that flouts the law, pays no taxes and sends their money out of Australia, so how can you trust them to meet any regulations?”



Thirty years of driving a taxi without a single complaint has resulted in Brisbane taxi driver John Topma being named this year’s Queensland ‘Taxi Driver of the Year’.

Yellow Cabs driver John Topma is a 30 year industry veteran and overcame a standout field to take home the top award at Taxi Council Queensland’s (TCQ) Taxi Industry Awards in Brisbane last night.

Drivers were nominated by the industry and members of the public and John led the way with three different nominations, all praising the 50 year-old’s courteous, reliable and consistent customer service.

Having driven cabs in New South Wales and Queensland, John is never without a friendly smile and a happy hello as he begins his shift, traits that have seen him receive a record number of compliments and frequent nominations as the state’s number one taxi driver.

Among his many acts of kindness and service was assisting an epilepsy sufferer when her medical alert dog warned her of an imminent seizure. John’s actions in calming and comforting his customer, while driving slowly to ensure limited movement in the cab, reduced the risk of bringing on a seizure.

TCQ chief executive officer Benjamin Wash said John’s commitment to putting the customer first is why Queensland drivers are rated the best in the country.

“All our training and education for drivers is about customer service and helping passengers when required. I salute John for always putting the needs of his customers first.”

Another industry veteran honoured at the awards was Yellow Cabs’ Marty Ord who claimed the Significant Achievement award for being an outstanding advocate for Brisbane’s blind and low vision community. Yellow Cabs has been Guide Dogs Queensland’s taxi provider of choice for many years.



The State Government’s proposed revised liquor licensing laws will not solve the problem of alcohol fuelled violence and could create more issues according to a taxi industry representative who is also a criminologist and former consultant in the area of alcohol related policy and issues.

Gordana Blazevic is Chief Executive Officer of Gold Coast Cabs and Vice President of Taxi Council Queensland, and has worked with previous state and local governments developing and evaluating strategies around alcohol related issues.

She says a 2am or earlier closure or lockout won’t stop violence but will only make it harder to contain, because people will take their parties to the suburbs instead of staying in a more controlled precinct environment.

“Right now taxis pick up customers in entertainment precincts at secure ranks where people have police supervision and every effort is made to keep people safe.”

“If people feel they can only drink till 1am or 2am it will encourage them to congregate across the suburbs, forcing taxi drivers to put themselves in greater danger due to the unregulated and unknown environments of the pickup destinations they will be called to.

She also said that having thousands of people on the streets at one common time will put pressure on transportation and will likely cause even more violence-related problems.

“This is a poorly thought out political strategy which will undo all the good work that governments, police and other stakeholders have done over the past decade to make our entertainment precincts work.

Ms Blazevic said that it is misleading to suggest that the majority of violent incidents occur after 2am. “Indeed many recent incidents of alcohol-fuelled violence have occurred before the proposed 2am closure time.”

She said the Government should instead be enforcing existing laws and ensuring that venues comply with legislation by serving alcohol more responsibly and stop serving intoxicated patrons.

“This is simply lazy legislation. The Government is attempting to fix a problem with more regulation when the answer simply lies in enforcing what is already there.”



​Taxi Council QLD Industry Awards – TONIGHT

The annual Taxi Council Queensland (TCQ) Industry Awards will be held tonight, Wednesday November 11 at Easts Leagues Club, Coorparoo from 7:30pm.

The evening will feature a range of industry awards presented to the winners of several categories including Driver of the Year and Customer Service.

Media are welcome to attend to gain vision of the major winners with the main award for Driver of the Year expected to be announced around 9:30pm.

The Driver of the Year will be available for interview at noon tomorrow, November 12. Details TBC.

WHO: TCQ Industry Awards 2015
WHEN: TODAY, November 11, 7:30pm. (Major presentation around 9:30pm)
WHERE: Easts Leagues Club, 40 Main Avenue, Coorparoo



​Book a cab for Melbourne Cup – best bet of the day

Queensland’s taxis will be on the road from early tomorrow morning taking patrons to Melbourne Cup day events as the industry embraces one of its busiest days of the year.

Taxi Council Queensland (TCQ) has urged revellers to book ahead for a cab, and if using a smartphone app, to make sure it is attached to one of the recognised booking companies.

TCQ chief operating officer Wayne Crooks also warned that illegal taxis will be attempting to flout laws and generate business.

“Illegal taxis take advantage of alcohol-effected people by not only providing an unregulated and unsafe service, but charging up to ten times the normal fare in what they call surge pricing,” he explained.

“Taxis are the safest form of door to door transport, so make sure there is a clear taxi brand on the car.”

Extra services will be dispatched to the Doomben racecourse precinct where a crowd of more than 15,000 is expected for the ‘race that stops a nation’, while extra services will also be in place for Cup day meetings on the Gold and Sunshine Coasts.

TCQ reminds customers that no abled passengers will be picked up from disabled zones.
