The following can be attributed to Benjamin Wash, chief executive officer of Taxi Council Queensland.

Taxi Council Queensland has never called for uber to be banned. We have simply called for a level playing field that ensures anyone operating a taxi service plays by the same rules and abides by the law. If legislation needs to be changed so be it, however in the meantime Taxi Council Queensland expects existing regulations to be enforced and the Queensland Government to uphold the law and ensure that illegal taxi services – which currently includes uber – do not operate.

It should also be noted that it is premature to say that uber will be made legal in Tasmania, or indeed the ACT. Both governments have made it clear that any new laws will also aim to protect consumers by imposing key standards and safeguards applicable to traditional industries. The Tasmanian Premier has been quoted as saying, “The Government believes that it’s the government’s role to provide a regulatory framework that’s fair and that provides necessary protections…”. We point out that we do not know what regulations will be enforced by the Tasmanian Government, but we do know that across the world, uber has blatantly refused to meet even minimum safety standards and has rejected any sort of regulatory framework. With their record of non-compliance and flouting of laws, it is doubtful that uber will agree to new legislation in Tasmania, the ACT or anywhere else. We expect them to thumb their nose at new legislation just like they do now, which means that despite new legislation that should make their operations legal, they will still be operating illegally.

uber is a law-breaking foreign bully that pays no taxes in Australia and wants to create a monopoly for themselves at the expense of law-abiding small business operators. State Governments should be aware of this before trying to pander to them. New technology should be embraced, but not at the expense of customer safety and regulations that thousands of Queensland small business operators meet.


​Taxi Council Queensland (TCQ) says that the Government and police should be ashamed that illegal taxi operator uber has made criminality and illegality cool.

TCQ chief executive officer Benjamin Wash said that uber has mastered the art of lies and deception, with sections of the media and some MPs falling for it “hook, line and sinker”.

He dismissed claims that the company has done 2.5 million trips in south east Queensland as “unfounded and laughable, designed to cloak their illegal operations”.

“That police and the Government openly allow a company to break the law and ignore orders to stop, just because this company has a lot of money, is reprehensible and a blight on law and order in Queensland.

“Since when can you buy your way to break the law with money and popular publicity campaigns? It is shameful that this is being allowed.”

Mr Wash said if uber were operating within regulations the Taxi Council would have no issue whatsoever but “we have illegal, tax-avoiding taxi operators who refuse to meet even the most minimal of safety standards, and these people are undermining the legal business operations of over 16,000 small business operators that make up the state’s taxi industry.”

He warned that regulation will no longer protect any small business in Queensland because clearly it means nothing to the Government.

“I repeat again – the taxi industry welcomes competition and we embrace new technology, but there must be a level playing field; and until there is this level playing field, illegal taxi operators cannot be allowed to operate.”

Referring to recent allegations of attacks on uber drivers Mr Wash said, “while we condemn any acts of violence by anyone on anyone, it is also the ultimate in hypocrisy for police and government to tell taxi operators not to take the law into their own hands when they themselves refuse to uphold the law by policing and stopping illegal taxi operators.



The peak body representing the Queensland taxi industry is warning of the dangers of illegal services that do not regulate drivers to have a zero alcohol reading.

Under state transport laws, Queensland taxi drivers must always show a alcohol zero limit, and risk suspension and other penalties if found to have breached the strict regulations.

Taxi Council Queensland chief executive officer Benjamin Wash says disregarding a zero alcohol limit poses serious safety concerns for customers who expect their drivers to be 100 per cent focused behind the wheel.

“Taxi drivers can not drink, full stop. A driver of an illegal taxi service can have a couple of drinks before getting on the road and picking up a passenger.”

He said it was impossible for illegal taxi services like uber to enforce their own blood alcohol limits because their drivers were not breaking the law by drinking and driving.

“Coupled with them having to use smartphones and digital devices, it is clear their concentration is less than what it should be,” Mr Wash said.

He pointed out that the recent introduction of heavier penalties for drivers caught using mobile devices is welcome but not a major concern for taxi drivers because they don’t need to use phones to receive bookings.

“Queensland taxis use a sophisticated but safe dispatch system. They are 100 per cent focused on what is in front of them and face minimal distractions.”

Queensland Police research shows 22 per cent of all motor vehicle crashes are a result of driver distraction through using digital devices.

“Our drivers are not required to communicate this way and it is simply naive to think that illegal taxi operators will self-regulate to not use their phone while driving when it offers them a pickup.”
Media Release


Media Release

Queensland’s Taxi Council has strongly endorsed a private members bill proposed yesterday by the Katter Australian Party that calls for greater penalties for illegal taxi services, saying it was time that the Government became serious about the law.

Taxi Council Queensland chief executive officer Benjamin Wash said uber has been defying the law for too long and laughing in the faces of regulators and governments.

“In every other part of society the law is upheld and offenders are prosecuted, yet because this big foreign monopoly has money to pay fines and doesn’t care about Queensland’s transport safety regulations it appears everyone is scared to act.”

Mr Wash said he couldn’t open a restaurant without abiding by food safety regulations nor could he open a medical practice without the necessary qualifications and licensing, so “how can we stand by and allow illegal taxis to operate without any safety regulations that protect Queenslanders and ensure a level playing field for genuine taxis which are abiding by the law.”

He said “enough is enough” and has called on both Labor and the LNP to pass the Katter bill with the greatest of urgency.

He also wants the media to play a more responsible role.

“The media are continually giving uber credibility even though they are operating illegally. This is unheard of and outrageous and would never happen with any other person or company that breaks the law.”

“uber are an illegal taxi service, and are spawning copycats across Queensland. Right now anyone, anywhere can start to drive their private cars and transport the public and the Government is letting it happen.

“This will become a nightmare.

“We’ve already seen assaults with no camera evidence by uber drivers across Australia, and without enforcement of regulations nothing will be able to stop any sexual predator or person with the wrong motives starting their own illegal taxi service.”


Media Release

For the first time, Queensland’s taxi council has turned to the public to help them find the state’s best taxi drivers.

Each year drivers and operators from across Queensland are nominated by their peers for a variety of industry awards including Taxi Driver of the Year, but this year, Taxi Council Queensland (TCQ) wants to hear from customers about exceptional service they may have received while using a cab.

TCQ chief executive officer Benjamin Wash said that with more than 250,000 taxi fares every day across the state, there are “multitudes of examples of exceptional service no one hears about”.

“Customers obviously expect good service, and drivers consider this an essential part of their job and don’t seek recognition, but among these are stand-out examples of drivers going above and beyond normal expectations,” he said

The new “Customer Service” award is part of TCQ’s annual awards night on November 11 when the industry pays tribute and recognises excellence.

Mr Wash is also keen to hear from anyone who knows of someone in the taxi industry who has made a significant contribution over many years.

“In many regions, there are locals across our industry who have done things quietly and without fanfare, and we want to recognise them publicly.”

TCQ’s website – – has nomination forms for its Customer Service Award. Nominations close on September 30, 2015



Queensland’s peak taxi body says a review of personalised transport services in Queensland will provide the industry with the opportunity to put forward their views in a logical and rational manner, however has called on the State Government to continue to enforce existing legislation against illegal taxis while the review is in process.

Taxi Council Queensland chief executive officer Benjamin Wash said the industry has “never worried about competition”, declaring that the Queensland taxi industry is the best in the world.

However he believes the review should not be rushed. “The terms of reference of this review are extremely broad and it is therefore in the interests of Queensland that we get this right.”

“The recent Fels Inquiry in Victoria took two years and we believe this review should take at least that. It is important that the independent taskforce learn all of the facts and receive all of the information,” he said.

Mr Wash also said the State Government must continue to uphold existing laws and prosecute uber drivers for breaking the law, and has urged Transport Minister Jackie Trad to honour her own words.

“The Transport Minister was quoted in today’s media as stating – ‘Where people act outside the law, they should face the force of the law,’ and we agree, which is why we call on her to ensure illegal taxis face the force of the law.

“Our question to the minister is that as uber is acting outside the law, why are they still allowed to operate?”

He also called on the independent taskforce not to accept any submission by uber until they abide by the law and stop operating illegal taxi services.

“It is unacceptable for a government to allow a company that is in clear breach of the law to participate in a review of legislation.

“uber have a right to lobby for a change like we all do, but until that change happens they must be forced to abide by existing laws.”


Media Release
August 5, 2015

Taxi Council Queensland (TCQ) says it’s astonishing but not surprising to learn of the latest trickery used by illegal taxi service uber to fool the public.

It has been revealed that the outlaw company shows fake uber cars on its app, to give the false impression that more cars are available than is the case.

TCQ chief executive officer Benjamin Wash says this is simply another of the numerous ‘smoke and mirrors’ tricks engaged by the company to make out they are far more popular than they are.

“Just like their purported customer numbers and safety claims, it is hard to know exactly what is the case as they continually deceive and lie to the public.

“No one should trust a company that refuses to abide by the law, refuses to submit to ATO directives, blatantly lies about its safety procedures and uses dodgy figures.”

Mr Wash is also concerned at the disturbing trend which is giving the illegal service ‘a free ride’ from some politicians and journalists.

“I keep reading and hearing how incredibly popular uber is but the facts do not show it. They talk about transporting 100,000 customers per year, yet taxis transport more than 250,000 customers per day in Queensland – and unlike uber, our figures are proven.”

He said some media outlets have been hoodwinked by the hype, and re-emphasised that the 15,000 small business owners comprising the Queensland taxi industry were committed to high customer service, safety regulations and servicing all areas at all times.

A claim from an uber spokesman that the taxi industry is “not interested in technology” was way off the mark according to Mr Wash, who was quick to point that Queensland taxi companies developed online apps nearly four years ago.

“We were one of the first in the world to embrace technology in online bookings. In fact, Queensland taxis have been world first innovators for more than a quarter of a century, doing things that other cab companies elsewhere could not do because of deregulation.

“If this company had an ounce of integrity, it would stop operating in breach of the law, stop being so dishonest and commit to meeting the regulations.”


Media Release

Perspective needed in uber (so-called) “popularity”

Queensland’s peak taxi body has called on politicians and regulators to keep perspective when talking about the popularity of illegal taxi services.

Taxi Council Queensland (TCQ) CEO Benjamin Wash said he supported comments from Queensland Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk yesterday calling for a level playing field across the taxi industry.

However he is concerned by some comments from politicians and journalists that the illegal taxi service was “incredibly popular”, stating that the figures showed “Queenslanders overwhelmingly don’t want private taxis that ignore safety regulations”.

“While uber talk about their 150,000 customers, the Queensland taxi industry has 110 million customers.”

“By their own figures – which are likely inflated and cannot be proved, uber transports around 0.13 per cent of the amount of customers who catch taxis. You can’t make public policy on that,” he explained.

Mr Wash said while uber talk about transporting 100,000 customers per year, taxis transport over 250,000 customers per day in Queensland alone.

He also pointed out that the 100,000 “downloads” of the uber app claimed by the company are dwarfed by the hundreds of thousands of downloads of apps from taxi companies in Brisbane alone.

“The popularity of uber doesn’t exist, but they have done a good job of spinning the facts and influencing some gullible journalists to preach their message in a messianic fashion.”

He said TCQ was about the facts, not the hype, and re-emphasised that the 15,000 small business owners that made up the Queensland taxi industry were committed to high customer service, safety based regulation and servicing all areas at all times.

“uber is operating illegally and Queenslanders – by the actual numbers – are rejecting this.”


Media Release

Last week’s report of an alleged sexual assault of a female passenger by an uber driver in Perth may be difficult to prove because the illegal taxi service refuses to abide by Government safety regulations that include cameras, according to the CEO of Taxi Council Queensland.

Benjamin Wash also predicted that sexual assaults by uber drivers will increase if the illegal taxi service continues to operate as they are less likely to be convicted, and pointed to other assaults in Melbourne and overseas.

“uber X is operating outside the law, meaning they have no safety measures, taking us back to the dark ages,” Mr Wash said.

“In Queensland there are over 250,000 taxi fares every day yet the incidence of driver misbehaviour is very rare, partly because the actions of drivers are captured on in-car cameras and taxis are GPS monitored.”

He said when there is an incident, police have video proof and can use camera footage from taxis to convict drivers that do the wrong thing.

“In every industry there are people from time to time who break the law. This includes police, teachers, lawyers and taxi drivers.”

“Some uber X drivers will break the law, but the driver can do or say anything and then deny it, and there’s nothing you can do.”

Mr Wash said while he cannot comment on the recent allegation, he has no doubt that uber will become a haven for sexual predators as well as drivers that are rejected or sacked by the taxi industry.

“If a driver inappropriately touches a passenger in a taxi we can prove it. But in an illegal taxi like uber X, it becomes a ‘he said – she said situation’, meaning it is far more difficult for prosecutors to secure a conviction.

“In fact I believe many victims of uber drivers will not even bother reporting it.”

Mr Wash warned that uber drivers don’t have daily criminal checks like Queensland taxi drivers and can turn off their phone, making their location untraceable, as an uber driver recently did when he kidnapped a woman overseas.

“Illegal taxis flout the law and are unsafe and uninsured. I appeal to the public not to risk their lives by using these services.”


Media Release

Casino will breathe new life into small business – taxi industry

Queensland’s taxi peak body believes Brisbane’s new casino will stimulate local tourism and small business in a way the city has not seen since World Expo.

Taxi Council Queensland chief executive officer Benjamin Wash said the state’s taxi industry is made up of over 15,000 small business owners, who are just some of those that will benefit from projects like casinos and cruise ship terminals.

He said the industry has developed its tourism image over the past few years through close engagement with other tourism industry participants, and will be ready to be the ‘face of Queensland’ when the casino opens.

“Taxi drivers are often the first people tourists see when they arrive and the last they see before they depart, and we’ve been implementing a tourism ambassador program across Queensland for the past few years.”

Mr Wash is also expecting to see an increase in the number of taxi drivers, not only due to the casino but as major events like the Commonwealth Games draw near.

“There are around 250,000 taxi fares every day across Queensland and this will increase, meaning we will need more drivers, so I’d be encouraging anyone who wants a fulfilling career to come forward now,” he said.

“Many Queenslanders would be surprised to learn that while taxis might carry a brand on their cars, this is only a booking arrangement. Most cabs are owned by everyday people who have invested their savings into a taxi licence, and many are retirees.”

He said every driver is a small business person, making the taxi industry one of the largest supporters of small business in the state.

“We welcome development and congratulate both the Newman and Palaszczuk Government’s for their foresight in bringing a world class casino and lifestyle precinct to Brisbane.”
