Uber pays Aussie taxi drivers $272m in class action settlement

US technology giant Uber Technologies has settled in a class action lawsuit brought by a law firm on behalf of Australian taxi drivers, agreeing to pay $272 million. It is the fifth-largest class action settlement in Australian legal history.

Maurice Blackburn Lawyers and former taxi driver Nick Andrianakis, who was the main plaintiff in the action, attended the Supreme Court of Victoria on Monday morning to close out a case that began in 2019.

The class action grew to incorporate more than 8000 taxi and chartered drivers. They said Uber had harmed them financially by setting up and running its UberX services in Australia illegally.

The case was due to run until May 17. But a deal has been struck, and was detailed on Monday morning.

In a statement, Maurice Blackburn Lawyers Principal Michael Donelly said the historic settlement followed a gruelling five-year legal battle.

“Uber fought tooth and nail at every point along the way, every day, for the five years this has been on foot, trying at every turn to deny our group members any form of remedy or compensation for their losses,” he said.

“But on the courtroom steps and after years of refusing to do the right thing by those we say they harmed, Uber has blinked, and thousands of everyday Australians joined together to stare down a global giant.”​

Uber ‘like pirates’

The case against Uber was for lost income for drivers and loss in the value of licences bought by the owners of taxis, hire cars, limousines and charter vehicles, when Uber launched with cheaper and more convenient services, despite being unlicensed.

Uber first launched in Australia in Sydney in 2012, operating outside the law, and often facing furious protests from the taxi industry. The ACT was the first Australian jurisdiction to allow ride-sharing services such as UberX to operate legally in 2015. NSW followed soon after, before the rest of the country.

When Uber was legalised in NSW in December 2015, the state government added a $1 levy for every trip for up to five years to compensate taxi licence owners.

Mum and dad investors in taxi licences were told they would receive an up-front compensation of $20,000 for up to two licences. Taxi licence owners who had bought the licence in 2015 would receive the maximum compensation of $175,000 from the government.

There was no compensation for licence owners who bought the licence before 2006.

Quoted by ABC news in 2019, Mr Andrianakis said he was forced out of business by Uber’s popularity.

“My family has always been into taxis, my father drove taxis … my son drove taxis while he was at uni,” he said. “But when Uber came to our shores illegally, like pirates, they broke every law, every regulation.”

Mr Donelly said the settlement was in the top five class actions in Australian legal history, and “put beyond doubt” that Uber had been held to account for its actions.

“We are extremely proud that thousands of people put their faith in us and Nick Andrianakis and allowed us to do what we do best – holding to account major organisations that we say inflicted mass wrongs on people,” he said.

“A $271.8 million sum will finally put real money back into the accounts of people who have been devastated.”

In a statement, an Uber spokesman sought to highlight that the ridesharing service was now regulated in every state and territory across Australia, and that governments recognised it as an important part of the nation’s transport mix.

“Since 2018, Uber has made significant contributions into various state-level taxi compensation schemes, and with today’s proposed settlement, we put these legacy issues firmly in our past,” the spokesman said.

“We will continue focusing on helping the millions of Australians who use Uber get from A to B in a safe, affordable and reliable manner.”

Queensland taxi, rideshare drivers issued hundreds of fines for incorrect parking, signage

17 January 2023

More than 600 fines have been given to Queensland taxi and rideshare drivers found to be operating in violation of industry guidelines.

Transport Minister Mark Bailey told ABC Radio Brisbane Mornings host Rebecca Levingston the enforcement blitz started in December and focused heavily around rides ordered and taken in Brisbane and the Gold Coast on and about December 31.

Authorities intercepted 2,056 taxis, limousines and booked hire vehicles.

Fines were issued for 31 different offences from December 2 to January 15, of varying amounts starting at $575, and included:

  • Failure to display a compliant booked hire sign — 179 fines
  • Unauthorised vehicle stopping in a bus zone — 130 fines
  • Stop in taxi zone while providing a booked hire service — 57 fines
  • Driver failure to carry their driver authorisation – 57 fines
  • Stop contrary to continuous yellow edge line – 67 fines

Other serious offences for which penalties were issued included driving an unregistered or defective vehicle, driving a vehicle with an unapproved security camera system, failure to ensure a security camera system is fitted and operational, or failing to display a security camera system sign.

“The majority of drivers do the right thing … but there were a number of drivers doing the wrong thing — not taking short fares, overcharging, not running meters,” Mr Bailey said.

“If you’ve had a few drinks and want to go home at 2am … you need to have confidence that cab is going to look after you and stick to the rules.

“We were very concerned over the Christmas period that this was happening.”

Mr Bailey said transport inspectors had worked 24/7 shifts, “sometimes covertly, sometimes uniformed”, and recorded 613 offences since the start of December totalling about $146,000.

Taxi drivers accounted for 80 fines while 524 fines were issued to rideshare drivers. Limousines and privately registered vehicles made up the remainder.

He said the department “particularly targeted New Year’s Eve because we knew that would be an issue”, intercepting 475 vehicles and issuing 104 fines in that time period as a result.

“We’ve had a lot less fines for over quoting and overcharging since the operation started in November, which is pleasing to see,” Mr Bailey said.

“But my message is that drivers breaking the rules, committing traffic offences or failing to carry their driver authorisation will be caught.

“There is no place for these dodgy practices and drivers need to obey the rules.

“We will continue our compliance operations, but we also ask the public to report any taxi or rideshare driver doing the wrong thing to help stamp out illegal behaviours.”

The Gold Coast area was a focus on January 14, with increased visitors for the Magic Millions race day.

Mr Bailey called on companies in the taxi and rideshare industry to improve self-regulation.

“It shouldn’t take fines for companies and drivers to step up and follow the rules that are in place,” he said.

“If this non-compliance continues, we will not hesitate to hand out fines of up to $5,750.”

Queensland’s Taxi Industry Council previously said it was aware of rogue cab drivers refusing to switch the meter on and instead insisting on cash-only and inflated fares during peak times at hospitality venues, major events and at the airport.

Australian Taxi Industry Association boss Blair Davies said the organisation had been encouraging the government to crack down on bad behaviour.

“Professional drivers have worked out the transport department is serious about catching this behaviour, and the number of incidents have significantly dropped off,” he said.

“I don’t know if they’ve been eliminated but they’ve dropped.

“Now, there are many more fines going to rideshare drivers for things like stopping in taxi zones and not having appropriate signage on their cars.

“We’re encouraged by that but we’d like to see a little bit more enforcement of touting.”

Touting describes drivers and customers doing cash deals outside of the safety of rideshare apps or taxi booking services and meters.

“In a nutshell, we’re supportive of the minister’s actions and appreciate his intervention, because at the end of the day, these small number of rogue taxi drivers are giving the industry a bad name,” Mr Davies said.

Repeated offences could result in much larger fines or being given fewer jobs by booking services.

Mr Davies said ultimately the transport department could cancel drivers’ booked hire taxi authorities, which were a form of license to operate such a business.

An Uber spokesperson said drivers who broke its guidelines could be banned.

Mr Bailey responded to reports in early November, of taxi and rideshare drivers demanding inflated cash fares without metres or apps at peak times by promising to stamp out the illegal practices.


TCQ wants your input on taxi licensing reform

The Taxi Council of Queensland (TCQ) is planning to hold another round of town hall meetings across the State over the next few months to update members on developments and hear from them directly about what they would consider reasonable and acceptable in regard to taxi licensing reforms and compensation. The meetings will be similar in format to those held previously. TCQ wants to hear from all members of the industry so that we can use our seat at the negotiation table for maximum advantage. So, if you have a stake in the industry and want to have a say in where it is heading, TCQ is welcoming you to get involved.


Queenslanders with disabilities left in limbo as wheelchair-accessible taxis fail to turn up to bookings

26 April 2022

Mark McGrath has had to cancel countless appointments, social gatherings and almost missed his father’s funeral due to taxi delays.

The Gold Coast resident relies on wheelchair-accessible taxis every week but said he would do anything to avoid it.

“You never know whether they turn up in 20 minutes or an hour and a half,” Mr McGrath said.

“I will even take my power [wheelchair] and drive for two and a quarter hours, just to avoid that same cab trip.”

Even when he pre-booked a taxi to attend his father’s funeral, Mr McGrath almost missed it.

“I rang the day before, and I booked the cab to pick me up at 1pm and the ceremony was at 2pm, and it was only about 15 minutes away.

Mobile phone and seatbelt detection cameras – get the facts

Portable and fixed cameras to detect illegal mobile phone use, and failure to wear a seatbelt are operating across Queensland. The cameras operate 24 hours a day, seven days a week, in urban and regional areas. You can be caught anywhere, anytime.

The cameras were introduced to address the dangerous behaviours of mobile phone distraction and travelling unrestrained in a vehicle.

Research shows mobile phone distraction quadruples the risk of crashing and is just as dangerous as drink driving. If you take your eyes off the road for just two seconds, in a vehicle moving at 60km/h, you will travel more than 33 metres while distracted.

A properly worn seatbelt is proven to reduce the risk of serious injury by 50 per cent and death by 45 per cent. A crash without one, at just 40km/h, has the same impact on your body as falling from a two-storey building.

The technology

The cameras use Artificial Intelligence (AI) to detect front seat occupants committing mobile phone and seatbelt offences and have been introduced following a successful six-month trial of the technology in 2020.

The cameras, both fixed and portable, take multiple images of every vehicle that passes, including the registration number plate, and images of the front seats of the vehicle.

If a possible offence is suspected, the image is put through a rigorous adjudication process by an authorised officer, who determines if a penalty should be issued. If no possible offence is detected by the AI, those images are automatically excluded and deleted.

The penalties

From 1 November 2021, the following camera related penalties will apply. Roadside enforcement by police continues as normal.

  • $1,033 and four demerit points for illegal mobile phone use while driving.
  • $413 and three demerit points for failing to wear a seatbelt. Drivers can also be fined a further $413 and three demerit points for each passenger not properly restrained.
  • Double demerit points apply for repeat mobile phone and seatbelt offences committed within a 12-month period. This means anyone persisting in these dangerous behaviours can lose their licence.

The cameras can detect mobile phone and seatbelt offences at the same time, and penalties will apply for each detected offence. Learner drivers will lose their licence after just one mobile phone offence. P-Platers can also lose their licence after just one mobile phone offence.

Mobile phone rules

It is illegal to hold your phone in your hand or have it resting on any part of your body, including your lap, while driving. This applies even when you’re stopped in traffic or at traffic lights. The phone doesn’t need to be turned on or in use for it to be an offence.

However, a phone may be used hands-free, for example, mounted in a cradle for open licensed drivers. These mobile phone rules do not apply to Mobile Display Terminals (MDTs) in a taxi. However, the position of the phone or MDTs must not obscure your view of the road, you must have proper control of your vehicle, and drive with due care and attention at all times.

All drivers can hold a phone when safely stopped to:

  • pay for goods and services, for example at a drive through;
  • gain access to or from a road-related area, such as a car park;
  • present a digital driver licence or other document to police when asked; or
  • get a card or money out of a phone wallet for the above purposes.

You can also use your phone when safely parked. Parked means stopped with the intention of staying at that place.

Seatbelt rules

Taxi drivers are required to wear a seatbelt at all times – not just when transporting a passenger in the vehicle. If the driver of a taxi does not have a seatbelt exemption certificate lodged with TMR and is detected by a camera not wearing a seatbelt, and infringement notice may be issued. This will be sent to the registered operator of the vehicle. If the registered operator was not the driver at the time, they will need to identify the driver and follow standard arrangements to transfer the fine to that person.

Adults and children 7 years or older must wear a correctly fitted seatbelt, and children up to the age of 7 must wear a correctly fitted Australian Standard approved child restraint. Children less than 1 year old can be held on the lap of someone 16 years or older.

Taxi drivers are exempt from the requirement to ensure their passengers are wearing a seatbelt if:

  • your passenger is over 16
  • your passenger is under 7 and you do not have an Australian Standard approved child restraint in the vehicle.

At present, because it is not possible to determine the age of a person in the images captured by the cameras, infringement notices will not be issued if a passenger of a taxi is detected by a camera not wearing a seatbelt. It should be noted that these offences are still subject to roadside policing.

Making Queensland roads safe for all

The mobile phone and seatbelt detection cameras are part of the Camera Detected Offence Program. Money collected from camera fines is used to fund important road safety initiatives and education across Queensland.

Labels required for Electric and Hydrogen Vehicles

30 September 2021
Electric, hybrid and hydrogen-powered vehicles can cause hazards for emergency service workers in certain rescue situations. The Queensland government has introduced the requirement for these vehicles to be labelled.


When do I need my label?

If an electric, hybrid or hydrogen-powered vehicle was built after 1 January 2019, or an existing vehicle was modified to be these types after 1 January 2019, the registered owner must display specific labels on the vehicles front and rear number plates. 

Enforcement of this requirement will begin in October 2021, however until 1 January 2022, this will be as an educational approach. Throughout this period no fines or penalties will be given, this will allow time for drivers to attach their labels. 

Fastening your label to your number plate

The Department of Transport and Main Roads has not mandated any specific way of fitting the labels to number plates, as long as the labels are securely fitted. Suggested methods include screws, pop rivets or adhesive / double-sided tape. 

Electric vehicle requirements (including Hybrid)

An electric powered vehicle means a vehicle powered by one or more electric motors or traction motors that are the only propulsion system for the vehicle or are used in conjunction with another propulsion system for the vehicle. 

Electric vehicle labels must:

  • be affixed to a plate made of metal that is at least 1mm thick
  • be an equilateral triangular shape where each side has width of 30mm in length and each interior angle of which is 60º
  • have a blue surface that complies with class 2 of Australian Standard 1906.1 Retroreflective Materials and Devices for Road Traffic Control Purposes—Retroreflective Sheeting
  • be marked ‘EV’ in white capital letters that are at least 8mm high and have the orientation shown in the example
  • be fixed to the number plates so that the letters on the label are in an upright position
  • not wholly or partly obscure any characters on the number plates
Example of label for electric powered vehicle.
Note: The example of the label is for illustrative purposes only and does not represent the label’s actual size, dimension or colour.

Hydrogen vehicle label requirements

A hydrogen powered vehicle means a vehicle that is powered by a hydrogen fuel cell system and has one or more hydrogen fuel containers fitted to the vehicle for the system.

Hydrogen vehicle labels must:

  • be affixed to a plate made of metal that is at least 1mm thick
  • be a regular pentagonal shape where each side is 20mm in length and each interior angle of which is 108º
  • must have a yellow surface that complies with class 2 of Australian Standard 1906.1 Retroreflective Materials and Devices for Road Traffic Control Purposes—Retroreflective Sheeting
  • must be marked ‘H’ in a black capital letter that is at least 10mm high and have the orientation shown in the example
  • must be fixed to the number plates so that the letter on the label is in an upright position
  • must not wholly or partly obscure any characters on the number plates
Example of label for hydrogen powered vehicle.
Note: The example of the label is for illustrative purposes only and does not represent the label’s actual size, dimension or colour.


Where to get vehicle labels

For new electric, hybrid or hydrogen vehicles, label requirements should be discussed with the vehicle dealer.



It’s QR codes for passenger safety in Qld taxis, limos and ride-shares

22 August 2021

Taxis and ride share vehicles will be required to have QR codes so passengers can check-in as the state government moves to further strengthen its contact tracing capabilities.

Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk said the recent case of a Cairns taxi driver who tested positive to Covid-19 had highlighted why the mandate was required.

“The first case in NSW’s spiralling outbreak was a Bondi limousine driver who transported flight crews,” she said.

“Extending the reach of the Check In Qld app to taxis, limousines and ride share is purely and simply about safety.”

From August 30, the government’s check-in app will be compulsory for the nearly 20,000 taxis, limousines and ride share operators across the state.

The mandate follows desperate calls from the Taxi Council of Queensland for QR codes to be used.

The codes have been compulsory in taxis across Victoria since late June and in NSW, SA and the ACT since July.

Ms Palaszczuk said authorities expected future cases and that it was important to get on top of them as quickly as possible. “It is a very tough situation at the moment and everything we are doing is to keep Queenslanders safe,” she said.

Health Minister Yvette D’Ath said the new step could help prevent Queensland’s next outbreak.

“Anything we can do to help our team of contract tracers quickly identify where positive cases have been and who they’ve come into contact with helps us keep community transmission to a minimum,” she said.

Transport Minister Mark Bailey said the industries were supportive of the app.

“Taxi, limousine and ride share drivers and operators are already taking steps to protect Queenslanders to minimise the spread of Covid-19,” he said.

“Introducing compulsory QR codes is a sensible move to further protect drivers providing an important service for the community, and their customers.”

There have been more than 304 million check-ins via the government’s app at almost 185,000 businesses and locations across Queensland.

Taxi, limousine and ride share drivers can complete their registration via the Check-In Qld app website.


Big Win for Queensland Cabbies on CTP

Media release
August 3, 2021

The Taxi Council of Queensland (TCQ) has welcomed the decision by the Motor Accident Insurance Commission (MAIC) to fix anomalies in Queensland’s Compulsory Third Party (CTP) scheme that have seen taxi operators paying up to $4,000 more per vehicle than their counterparts in the rest of the personalised transport sector.

Under reforms announced by MAIC:

    • from 1 October 2021, the “base insurer premium” that forms the substantive part of the total CTP insurance premium will be equalised for taxi sedans and wagons (Class 3), rental cars (Class 4), and booked hire vehicles (Class 26); and
    • from 1 July 2022, all other components of the total CTP insurance premium will be equalised for taxis, rentals and booked hire vehicles.

Currently, an ordinary Queensland cabbie (Class 3) pays 230% more each year in CTP than a full-time rideshare driver driving their own vehicle (Class 26) and that rideshare driver pay 45% more each year in CTP than someone renting a vehicle to provide a rideshare service (Class 4).  MAIC’s reforms will mean everyone using a car to transport passengers in the personalised transport sector will pay the same CTP premium from 1 July 2022.

TCQ campaigned long and loud for anomalies in the CTP scheme to be fixed and so the industry peak body welcomes that they are finally going to be fixed.

“We have seen taxi businesses, many of which are small family-owned businesses, driven into financial difficulty and even bankruptcy, by excessive costs that their competitors escape through loopholes or special exemptions. Class 3 CTP premiums are not the only example of egregious costs being born by mum and dad taxi operators, but they are the biggest one and the one that most needed fixing,” says TCQ CEO, Blair Davies.

“We hear a lot from Governments around the country saying they want to get their economies growing again and acknowledging they need to support local businesses, especially small businesses, to make that happen. This decision by MAIC to equalise CTP premiums within the personalised transport sector shows the Queensland Government is moving past the rhetoric and taking real action. It’s going to be a great result for Queensland cabbies from 1 July 2022, and the changes from 1 October 2021 will be an important step on the journey,” Mr Davies continues.

Within the personalised transport sector, taxis are usually categorised as the essential service.  During times of natural disaster or crisis, such as cyclones, floods and bushfires, taxis are typically the last vehicles on the road before conditions become unsafe and some of the first vehicles back on the road helping with the recovery. Mr Davies says this commitment to support and service their local communities has again been on show over the past eighteen months of the COVID-19 pandemic, even when travel and gathering restrictions made it difficult and uneconomic for taxis to be operating Queensland cabbies have been out on the road every day.

“Queensland taxis remained on the road throughout the pandemic because that’s who we are and what we do. Cabbies are members of their communities and committed to providing them with essential travel services when they need them.  Being local small businesses is really what makes us different to rideshare companies and, quite frankly, we’re proud about being local and different,” says Mr Davies.

“The Queensland CTP scheme has been unfairly disadvantaging local small business taxi operators for years and the decision by MAIC is going to bring that to an end.  It’s a victory for common sense, fairness, and TCQ persistence in standing up for Queensland cabbies” says Mr Davies



Mediation to reduce regulatory burden for personalised transport industry

14 June 2021

A mediation service for disputes arising from personalised transport industry complaints will be part of changes announced following a review of the Personalised Transport Ombudsman Act 2019.

Transport and Main Roads Minister Mark Bailey said the changes would provide new avenues for complaints to be resolved that would benefit the personalised transport industry.

“We are working to finalise a personalised transport mediation service through the Queensland Government’s dispute resolution services, where parties have been unable to resolve the complaint themselves and mediation can assist to resolve their issues,” Mr Bailey said.

“We are also partnering with The Taxi Council of Queensland to provide access to independent mediation services for the taxi industry, to assist in the resolution of bailment agreement and other industry disputes.

“These measures are part of our decision to repeal the Personalised Transport Ombudsman Act 2019, which would have established a Personalised Transport Ombudsman.

“We took the opportunity to readdress the Act when the proposed Ombudsman position was deferred during the COVID-19 pandemic.

“Our review looked at whether a newly created Personalised Transport Ombudsman would provide the stated benefits to industry, particularly as operators recover from the impact of the pandemic.

“That review found the number of complaints about the industry were currently low and what was really required was access to independent mediation services to assist the industry to resolve complex matters.

“We listened to industry feedback, particularly with regard to how the Act added another layer of regulations and compliance it would be required to address.”

Mr Bailey said mediation services will be available at no cost to the industry.

The taxi industry security levy will also being suspended in 2020-21 as part of continued support during the COVID-19 pandemic, saving of $405 per taxi service licence this financial year.

The secure taxi rank program, which operates in popular nightlife precincts on weekends and has historically been part-funded by the industry levy, is currently under review with an outcome expected later this calendar year.

Taxi Council of Queensland (TCQ) CEO Blair Davies commended the State Government on its decision to prioritise reducing regulatory burden for the industry.

“Utilising the Government’s existing dispute resolution services and TCQ’s experience in mediation makes much more sense than adding another layer of bureaucracy for the personalised transport sector,” Mr Davies said.

“It just has to be a more efficient process for dealing with complaints and we think it will also produce better resolutions.

“We thank the Minister for taking on board TCQ’s advice that Queensland taxi licence holders could not afford to pay the industry levy this year.

“The past twelve months have been very tough for taxi licence holders and so this decision that will save them $405 per licence is very much appreciated.

“We know that the secure ranks program is vital for keeping taxi drivers and passenger safe late at night and it has to be funded somehow, and we look forward to working with the Government to find improvements that can make the program more efficient.”

The Queensland taxi and limousine industries have been supported through the economic impacts of the pandemic COVID-19 with a $23 million financial assistance package announced in 2020 that provided one-off payments to taxi and limousine operators, wheelchair accessible taxi operators, taxi and limousine licence holders, and authorised booking entities.

This funding followed the provision of various forms of relief to members of the personalised transport industry as part of a $54.5 million essential transport services package announced in April 2020.

The establishment of the Personalised Transport Ombudsman office was budgeted at $5 million over three years, with $429,800 of costs incurred until April 2021.


COVID, Uber push value of Queensland taxi licences ‘over a cliff’


Taxi licences are selling for as little as $3000 as the value of the once-coveted asset falls off a cliff following intense pressure from ride-sharing companies and the coronavirus pandemic.

Standard Brisbane taxi licences were selling for an average of more than $500,000 in 2014, but in 2020, they were worth just $41,107 on average.

But the situation in other regions is even worse.

In Ipswich, three standard cab licences sold for the dismal price of $3000 in December 2020. The average sale price there in 2014 was $336,667.

Last month, a standard Brisbane taxi licence sold for $16,541, while in June 2020, one sold for $5000 – the lowest price in more than a decade.

The number of taxi licences changing hands has also plummeted – from 69 in 2013 to 14 in 2020 – showing many owners have simply given up trying to offload what was once their treasured retirement plan.

Limo owners also failed to escape unscathed, with 13 out of 18 of the licences that sold last year going for just $1000.

In 2014, the average cost of a limousine licence was $68,409.

Uber came to Brisbane in 2014 and was legalised in Queensland in September 2016, with ride-sharing companies Ola and DiDi also joining the market.

Taxi Council of Queensland chief executive Blair Davies said the industry was hit first by the legalisation of ride-sharing services and then by COVID-19.

“Gathering restrictions, stay at home orders, border closures – that very much impacted the demand for taxis,” he said. “We probably saw demand, at some points in 2020, down by 80 per cent.”

However, Mr Davies said he believed things would pick up in 2021.

“We’re finding that, particularly with the airports opened up, more people are travelling out to the airport using taxis, and we’ve started to see businesspeople go back to working from their offices rather than holding virtual meetings,” he said.

“It’s like they [licence values] went over a cliff when the government changed that regulatory environment and it will be a long, slow climb back up to more reasonable values, we believe.”

Mr Davies said there were fewer sales as buyers were offering low prices that many sellers refused to accept, and also because banks were reluctant to lend for the asset.

“And we’re also aware that some licences might well be sold at low prices because people are just desperate for money and therefore they just don’t have the option of holding out for another year or two for the licences to improve,” he said.

Limousine Action Group Queensland chairwoman Jacqui Shephard said COVID decimated the industry, with many drivers being kept on with JobKeeper.

“With no international travel … people have learnt to work from home now, we’re not going out anymore,” she said.

“The industry is really struggling and they’re predominantly small business owners.”

A Transport and Main Roads spokesman said taxi and limousine licence values were determined by the open market and not set by the government.

“As part of the personalised transport reforms, [the] government committed to not releasing any new perpetual licences,” he said.

In 2016, a $100 million industry adjustment assistance package was rolled out by the government, including payments of $20,000 per licence for taxi and limousine owners.

In April 2020, the Queensland government announced a $54.5 million transport industry package, including waiving fees and extending taxi and limousine licences for six months.

An extra $23 million package to support the taxi and limousine industry was announced in June 2020.

Last year, federal member for Kennedy Bob Katter vowed to take the compensation claim of more than 1300 taxi licence holders against the Queensland government to the High Court.

Maurice Blackburn has also filed a class action against Uber in Victoria, New South Wales, Queensland and Western Australia.

Licence sales recorded at zero dollars, often the result of transfers between family members or trust structures, were removed from Brisbane Times’ analysis.

