Media Release
July 7, 2016

A new Queensland taxi survey showing a high level of customer satisfaction has debunked many myths according to Taxi Council Queensland (TCQ).

The Department of Transport and Main Roads has released the findings of its latest mystery shopper survey showing an aggregate Key Performance Indicator score of 81 per cent, up from its previous score of 77 per cent in 2013.

TCQ chief executive officer Benjamin Wash said while the industry must always continue to improve customer service, the survey shows the true picture and corrects mistruths that are peddled primarily by those with vested interests.

“I am not surprised by what the Roy Morgan survey found, particularly in the key area of customer safety which remains consistently high at 90 per cent. Queensland taxis are world class when it comes to safety, service to the disabled community and the environment.”

The survey also found 98

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Media Release
22 June 2016

Taxi Council Queensland (TCQ) has questioned the credibility of the current review into personalised transport following public comments by taskforce chair Jim Varghese.

TCQ Chief Executive Officer Benjamin Wash said with submissions only closing a week ago, comments by Mr Varghese that there are already preferred options make the entire review process look farcical.

“The taskforce has stated that they would consider all recommendations and provide a report to the Government at the set time, which at this stage is the end of July.

“The taskforce would have received hundreds of submissions and thousands of pages, which takes time to carefully analyse and consider, so how can they even suggest preferred options at this stage, unless they have another agenda?” he asked.

Mr Wash pointed out that the review was of great importance to the state’s economy and future transportation needs, and that comments by the taskforce chair “belittled the process

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Media Release
22 June 2016

Taxi Council Queensland (TCQ) will again be operating a secure rank on Castlemaine Street outside the YMCA after the State of Origin Game 2 tonight from 9:30pm – 12:30am, subject to the completion of the match.

Taxis will also be available on Petrie Terrace as per usual in the rank outside Hotel LA.

TCQ suggests customers order taxis, and due to limited access resulting from traffic congestion, arrange to be picked up away from Suncorp Stadium.

Customers should take note when ordering taxis that access to Milton Road, Castlemaine Street and Caxton Street will be limited.

Patrons with a disability can be dropped off and picked up from the disabled zone in the secure rank on Castlemaine Street, or in the disabled zone in the Suncorp Stadium Northern Plaza off Castlemaine Street.

TCQ reminds customers that no abled passengers will be picked up from disabled zones.

Smartphone users can also access the Yellow

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Media Statement

Media Statement
May 20, 2016

Taxi Council Queensland is awaiting the release of the green paper and once we have reviewed will be responding accordingly. We will make a public comment once we have provided a formal response to the review.

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Media Statement
May 08, 2016

Wayne Crookes, Chief Operating Officer, Taxi Council Queensland (TCQ)

With the Opportunities for Personalised Transport Review (OPT) underway, Taxi Council Queensland (TCQ) is doing all it can to achieve the best outcome for its many thousands of stakeholders.

To this end, TCQ is leaving no stone unturned and is tapping in to Queensland’s taxi industry for support and assistance.

We believe this review is the most important the taxi industry has faced in a generation. As such, it is crucial we ensure our submission looks to the past, present and future.

TCQ is doling its due diligence engaging a number of professionals each in their own sphere of expertise to assist TCQ in its OPT submission.

This extensive and comprehensive review comes at a cost and the many thousands of small business which make up TCQ’s membership, are contributing.

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Media Statement
May 8, 2016

Wayne Crookes, Chief Operating Officer, Taxi Council Queensland (TCQ)

With the Opportunities for Personalised Transport Review (OPT) underway, Taxi Council Queensland (TCQ) is doing all it can to achieve the best outcome for its many thousands of stakeholders.

To this end, TCQ is leaving no stone unturned and is tapping in to Queensland’s taxi industry for support and assistance.

​We believe this review is the most important the taxi industry has faced in a generation. As such, it is crucial we ensure our submission looks to the past, present and future.

TCQ is doling its due diligence engaging a number of professionals each in their own sphere of expertise to assist TCQ in its OPT submission.

This extensive and comprehensive review comes at a cost and the many thousands of small business which make up TCQ’s membership, are contributing.

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Media Statement
May 07, 2016

Statement from Taxi Council Queensland

Statement from Wayne Crookes, Chief Operating Officer, Taxi Council Queensland. (TCQ)

Fare evasion is a criminal activity attracting hefty fines facing or even jail terms if found guilty before the courts.

The traveling public must also be aware that he personal and economic cost of evasion not only affects the driver but also the owners and operators of the vehicle along with a raft of other industry stakeholders.

We should also note that fare evasion can lead to assaults on drivers and TCQ calls for appropriate sentencing for those found guilty of these offences in line with other community-based services.

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Media Release

There must be new action against illegal taxis this weekend – Taxi Council

Legislation that increased enforcement and penalties against illegal taxis came into force yesterday, and Queensland’s peak taxi body has called for a massive enforcement campaign by the Department of Transport this weekend.

Taxi Council Queensland (TCQ) says the industry has had enough of illegal operators flouting the law and disadvantaging law abiding small business owners who drive, operate, and own taxis. TCQ Chief Operating Officer Wayne Crooks said the parliament has given the order and it is now up to the department to act.

“More words are not good enough. It’s time for action and we expect to see enforcement on this first weekend following the legislation becoming law.” Mr Crookes said TCQ would be monitoring both illegal taxi activity across the entertainment precincts and the actions of transport inspectors and will be encouraging taxi

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Media Statement

Statement from Taxi Council Queensland

Taxi Council Queensland welcomes the legislation passed in the Queensland Parliament that will provide greater enforcement of existing taxi regulations. This legislation has nothing to do with stifling competition or innovation – it has to do with upholding the law and stopping the illegal operation of taxi services. For too long so called “ridesharing” services have been allowed to use their money and size to strong-arm governments into accepting that existing regulations could be ignored and that law-abiding small business owners like taxi owners, operators and drivers didn’t matter.

Why should over 16,000 small business owners that represent Queensland’s taxi industry be punished for simply upholding the law, while those that ignore the law are rewarded? If taxi regulations don’t matter, why should any company in any field uphold any regulations? This is grossly unfair and unconscionable.

​The taxi industry also welcomes the new legislation in respect

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Statement from Taxi Council Queensland – Re: Katter Australia Party bill

Taxi Council of Queensland Inc.

Media Statement
April 20, 2016

Statement from Taxi Council Queensland – Re: Katter Australia Party bill

Queensland is currently undertaking the ‘Opportunities for Personalised Transport Review’ (OPT), chaired by Jim Varghese AM, and Taxi Council Queensland (TCQ) is contributing to the review.

Separate to this, the Katter Australia Party (KAP) introduced a bill to parliament which was referred to the parliament’s Infrastructure, Planning and Natural Resources Committee (IPNRC). The KAP bill is focused on increasing enforcement and compliance against illegal taxi services, and the IPNRC provided a list of recommendations which included the Minister for Transport taking “immediate action to ensure that compliance with the regulatory system is enforced”. Furthermore, the committee requested that the minister provide information on these increased compliance measures to the House (the subject of tonight’s debate).

TCQ looks forward to the outcome of the OPT review (expected in August), but has also

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