Media Release
19 January 2018
From this week onward, it is an offence for drivers from ridesharing companies to operate without a booked hire service license as enforced by the Department of Transport and Main Roads. This call for change followed concerns expressed by Queenslander’s on the safety of sharing rides with drivers who were not issued with a governmental authorised taxi license.
The continuous tug-of-war over state guidelines and regulations have significantly impacted ridesharing businesses, causing ever-increasing price hikes and surging which has a direct impact on consumers.
Last December, Uber announced an increase to their fares and an additional ‘waiting fee’ for Queensland customers, with the aim of putting more money in the pockets of their drivers.
In contrast, taxi companies such as Yellow Cabs and Black and White Cabs have and will continue to provide consistency and stability in fare pricing so customers always know approximately how much it will cost to get to their destination.
Taxi Council Queensland CEO Blair Davies said the reliability and convenience of taxis outstand the service of any other operator.
“Taxis have been serving Queenslanders for many years. We are trusted and depended on to get our customers to their destination safely and affordably,” said Davies.
“There are no price hikes or surges when choosing to travel with our cabs, as we are committed to ensuring our valued customers enjoy a seamless and hassle-free journey without any nasty surprises.”
Online fare estimators and options such as pre-paid and fixed fares are available to taxi customers, allowing them to budget their money and plan ahead of time.