Media Release
February 7, 2017
Taxi Council Queensland (TCQ) will play an active role in ensuring the industry’s voice is heard in the lead up to the next state election, according to CEO Benjamin Wash.
He said that advocacy was a key role of the peak body and that the decision of the State Government to abandon over 16,000 small business operators who abided by the law, in order to placate a multinational company that sends profits overseas, would bother many Queenslanders.
“This Government failed to uphold the rule of law, and allowed a wealthy foreign company to operate with almost no enforcement, in clear breach of regulations. This should send shockwaves through every industry in the state,” he declared.
“It is our responsibility to represent our members and tell Queenslanders which politicians have let down hard-working small business owners.”
He said TCQ has a responsibility to remain non-partisan in its political stance and would not be endorsing any political party.
“But being non-partisan does not negate our ability to be openly critical of bad public policy when the need arises.
“The need has unequivocally arisen and now it is time for TCQ to lead the charge against what can only be described as the worst transport policy ever attempted by a Queensland Government in living history.
“This is about supporting those candidates who are willing to step up and pledge their commitment to fighting for the Queensland taxi industry and Queensland small business.”
Mr Wash said there are no laws made by one Government that cannot be unmade by a future Government, “such is the cornerstone of our democracy here in Queensland.”