Investigation Works – Mount Cotton Road, Mount Cotton
Pavement Investigation Works
Mount Cotton Road, Mount Cotton
The Department of Transport and Main Roads (TMR) would like to advise that pavement investigation works will take in both directions on Mount Cotton Road between Hillview Road and Seaview Road, Mount Cotton.
The investigation and survey works will facilitate design and programming of future works in this location, as part of TMR’s maintenance program to improve the road surface and provide a safe road network.
Work activities
- Service locating.
- Survey.
- Coring of existing road surface.
- Investigation works will commence mid November 2023 and are expected to take approximately two nights to complete, construction and weather conditions permitting.
- Works will be undertaken at night between 8pm and 5am, Sunday to Friday, however some Saturday or additional out of hours works may be required. Night works are necessary for road user safety, and to avoid what would otherwise be extensive traffic queuing and disruption to the road network.
Expected impacts
- Changed traffic conditions: Temporary traffic changes include, road shoulder and lane closures, roadworks speed limit reductions and short-term traffic disruptions. Please allow extra time when planning your travel and follow the directions of roadside signage and traffic controllers.
- Temporary construction noise: Nearby residents and businesses may experience short-term increases in noise, dust, and odour during the works. Reversing beepers and flashing lights will be used on vehicles for safety.
Every effort will be made to minimise impacts on the local community and surrounds.
TMR appreciates your patience and cooperation while these important works are carried out.