Taxi Council Queensland, as the state’s peak industry body, represents all involved in the industry including drivers, owners, operators and booking companies.
It exists to expand the total market for taxi services through effective engagement with governments, stakeholders and the community.
To be the unified voice of the taxi industry in Queensland, with the necessary direction, resources and political and community profile to lead the industry proactively on issues of strategic importance to the Taxi Council of Queensland.
The Taxi Council of Queensland exists to expand the total market for taxi services for the well being of all taxi industry participants across the state by:
- securing a beneficial legislative framework,
- building a positive community profile and awareness of the taxi industry, and
- improving the responsiveness of the industry to market demands and changes.
To act in a manner that enhances the reputation of the taxi industry in Queensland at all times.
To honestly and consistently act in the best interests of taxi patrons and providers.
To provide leadership to members on strategic issues impacting across the taxi industry in Queensland.
To be accountable to members on the performance of the Council and its officers against agreed benchmarks.
To work co-operatively and effectively in the interest of the taxi industry in Queensland while encouraging mutual concern and respect for each other.