Resurfacing Works – Venner Road, Annerley

Venner Road – Road resurfacing (Ipswich Road to Fairfield Road)

What works are coming up?

Road resurfacing works will be carried out along Venner Road, between Ipswich Road and Fairfield Road at Annerley.

As part of these works, Brisbane City Council will also complete essential works to lower the watermain infrastructure under Venner Road, between Ipswich Road and Somervell Street.

When will this work take place?


Mid-March 2025


Mid-2025, weather and site conditions permitting

Time and day

Night works 7pm to 5am Sunday to Thursday

To ensure the safety of road workers and motorists and to minimise traffic disruptions, these works will be completed at night, when traffic volumes are lowest.

What does this work include?

As part of these works, Brisbane City Council will:

  • excavate the road surface along Venner Road between Ipswich Road and Summervell Street
  • relocate the watermain imfrastructure under the road
  • resurface Venner Road, between Ipswich Road and Fairfield Road.

What does this mean for me?

If you live in or are travelling through the area, you may experience:

  • noise, dust and vibration from construction machinery operating through the night
  • increased street lighting and equipment on site up to an hour either side of start/finish times
  • changed traffic conditions including reduced speed limits and lane closures with traffic control maintaining stop/go access to Venner Road during the watermain relocation works
  • no on-street parking in the work zone during construction hours
  • temporary detours and restricted access to properties in the work zone while some works are underway
  • temporary water outages to test and connect the watermain. If your property is affected, you will be notified by Urban Utilities at least 48 hours prior to any interruption taking place.

We value your patience and cooperation while we complete those important works.

Why is this work happening?

These works are being completed as part of Brisbane City Council’s Road Resurfacing Program which helps make streets smoother, safer and more enjoyable to use every day.

BCC are committed to keeping the local community informed and will provide advance notice ahead of the watermain relocation works starting from mid-March. BCC will also provide more information about timeframes and impacts ahead of the road resurfacing works starting.

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16 Mar 2025 - 29 May 2025


7:00 pm - 5:00 am


Brisbane City Council
1800 884 681